Benefits of an Applicant Tracking Software for Recruiters and Applicants

4 min readDec 6, 2021

Every business notices difficulties in attracting and hiring skilled talent at one point or other. According to research, around 54% of companies around the globe face severe difficulties in talent hunting.

In today’s competitive job market, every employer tries to leverage every tool and solution that can help compete in this race. Finding the best talent is a race itself and to stay competitive, you need to sharpen your tools. Hiring skilled candidates was not easy until applicant tracking software found its place in the market.

As many organizations are moving towards remote work, ATS has become even more important. There are no geographical barriers anymore and the candidate lists are vast now. An ATS can be a key to your quality hirings. It not only helps the employers but also the candidates. Here’s how:

Benefits of Applicant Tracking Software for Candidates

If your hiring process isn’t efficient, you might miss the top talent. This is how an ATS provide feasibility for the candidates to increase retentiveness:

Enhanced candidate experience

Job hunters want a smooth digital experience when looking for a suitable job. An ATS makes sure they get that by automating critical aspects of job hunting like auto-fill applications, seamless consistent communication, self-service interview scheduling, and much more.

Greater efficiency in the hiring process

If you are disconnected from the applicant, lack collaboration, or do not provide visibility to candidates about their position in the hiring process, you might observe low engagement from candidates. Not providing critical information to your candidates might even result in candidates leaving for another opportunity. Lack of visibility is often a major turn-off for top talent as they make their decision based on every single experience. An ATS increases the efficiency of the process by

  • Providing visibility
  • Constant Contact
  • Ensuring complete communication

Negative issues are easily resolved by an applicant tracking software and help in getting perfect candidates hired faster and creating positive feedback from the candidates.

Immediate impact after the hire

An ATS is not only helpful in the whole applying, recruitment, and hiring process but also helps in streamlining the onboarding process. Applicant tracking software makes the process of onboarding smooth for the employees and makes them hit the ground running.

Benefits of Applicant Tracking Software for Recruiters and Employers

While applicant tracking software can make the experience smooth for candidates, it also helps in making the life of recruiters and employers easier too. The right ATS proves to be effective for the recruiters, here’s how:

Create stronger job descriptions

Before job ads are posted, job requisitions are put out inside the company. Job requisitions identify business needs that are already not being fulfilled by current staff. Job descriptions are the translations of those business requirements that inform about the core responsibilities of the recruit. To capture the attention of qualified candidates, the job description must be curated in the right way. A good applicant tracking software has keyword-rich templates that are helpful in attracting qualified candidates by ranking at the right places too.

Extend recruiter reach and reduce friction

Writing a job description and posting it is not enough. Your job posting should reach the right people. A good ATS matches job requisition with the right channels that are used by appropriate candidates. This increases the recruiter’s reach and minimizes barriers between candidate and recruiter.

Visibility internally

Sometimes, a team of recruiters is working to hire for more than one position. The right applicant tracking software increases visibility for each recruitment team member and the management of the company. This way, approved people can keep track of every step of the hiring process and maximize visibility for internal job boards with minimum clicks.

Automate and increase efficiency

Automation is the most noticeable feature of an ATS. It takes most of the load off of the recruiter’s shoulders. Applicant Tracking Software can automate manual processes across the hiring cycle by:

  • Creating an automated job posting
  • Automating interview scheduling
  • Automated replies
  • Automating candidate ranking

And so much more. The employers do not have to depend upon manual work on paper and email inbox. The chances of qualified candidates falling through the cracks reduced to none using an ATS. The automation also fastens the process by moving applicants quickly in the hiring funnel. Reduced manual work and fast hiring improve cost-to-hire metrics as well.

Improve Collaboration across recruiting teams

Poor collaboration among the recruitment team can slow down the hiring process resulting in increased costs. Many organizations are found to struggle with collaboration. Inconsistent processes and ineffective tools make the hiring cycles long and can result in poor quality hires.

An ATS allows the entire recruiting team to collaborate on every touchpoint of the process through their own screens without the need for one-to-one check-ins. The whole team can see where the candidate is in the process and what are the remaining next steps to take on. Managers can assign the next steps to the team and can create alerts so no issue goes unnoticed and the hiring process goes smoothly.

Finding the right Applicant Tracking Software for Your Business

To cater to the complex and unique needs of every business, customized ATS is the best for the job. Hirestream is an easily customizable solution that automates the recruitment process and reduces the cost per hire. If you are looking for quality hires, choose the right solution today.




A SaaS-based ATS (Applicant Tracking System) that offers end-to-end hiring solution. Perfect for small startups to Fortune 500 companies.